Ibe Jonah is the new SafeGoal ambassador

About Ibe Jonah director of Gorges Classic Soccer Tournament and a soccer aficionado has joined SafeGoal ambassador team. 

Ibe has great passion for the beautiful game. He still plays soccer, and officiates high school, college and adult league games on a regular basis. By any measure, Ibe is a soccer aficionado per excellence. He is an outstanding league administrator, tournament organizer and promoter who fully supports the vision of SafeGoal.

Ibe is actively involved in the soccer through Gorges Classic Soccer Tournament, an organization that puts on festival-style soccer tournaments in multiple cities across the United States including Las Vegas, Cape Canaveral, Chicago, Miami, Austin, Niagara Falls and Virginia Beach.
Additionally you can find Ibe teaching Advocacy and Debate at Cornell University, an Ivy-league university that ranks among the best in the world. He travels extensively with students to intercollegiate tournaments and spends time judging or coaching debates.  Ibe is delighted to advocate for and endorse the crucial vision and work of SafeGoal in making the beautiful game safe especially for youth players.
If you would like to hear more about SafeGoal soccer and futsal goals, please contact us info@SafeGoal.com for further information.